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”Gheorghe I. Bratianu” School , IASI

Gheorghe I. Brătianu  (February 3, 1898 – April 23-27 1953) was a Romanian politician and historian.


A Brief History of the School

The church known under the name of Nicorita, founded by Nicoara Hatman, lies on one side of the hills of Tatarasi, in Iasi.

For more than one century this church was used as school for girls  and its name was ‘The Girls ‘ School Number 1’.

During the World War I the school belonged to the Army.

From 1959, all the school documents mention another name for this school, as Primary School Number 10.

In 1971, School Number 10 had a new building and from 1994 it is known as ‘Gh. I. Bratianu’School

About the school

A. The School Staff:

The principal

The deputy  


    1st Degree: 23

    2nd Degree: 7

     Bachelor: 5

Elementary Schoolmistresses : 1

Special  Needs Teacher: 3

     Secretary: 1

     Financial Administrator (Accountant):  1

     School Administrator :1

     Librarian: 1


 Primary school: 14 classes

 Secondary school: 8 classes


Classrooms: 25

Gym: 1

Physics/ Chemistry Lab: 1

Biology Lab: 1

Computer lab: 1

Linguistic Lab: 1

School Library: 1

Reading Room: 1

GP’s (Surgery): 1

The Dentist’s: 1

Electronic equipment:  projectors, TV sets, radio cassette recorders

computers, photocopiers, printers

Other eqiupments: sports equipment, teaching charts, maps, musical instruments, equipment for the labs


D. School projects

1. Bridges Between Town and Village

2. Partnerships with: Kindergartens from Tatarasi District

                                     Special Needs School

                                     Gavroche Center

                                     Solidarity and Hope Organization

3. SuperMaths

4. Always Near You  - a voluntary work project

5. Birds  - Comenius project

6. In partnership with County Scholar Inspectorate, our school organized different contests: Praslea the Smart, Democracy  and Tolerance, Spoken English, English Summer Courses

7. Alert  - in colaboration with Vector Cultural Association, Antidrug National Agency.

8. Meeting Uncle SAM – school project in collaboration with cu American Corner and County Public Library

9. SoS…SANTA – Talents competition

10. Integration Programs  for pupils with special needs.

11.La vigne au carrefour des cultures latines - Erasmus+ Project

E. School Assessment

1. National ASSESSMENT: 93.6%

       -Romanian Language 98,0%

       -Maths 89,2 %

2. High school Admission: 100%

Targets and Purposes

A school is not primarily an economic organization; it is primarily a cultural organization. The purpose of school is not to generate wealth as a business but to unfold human capacities as a center of learning.

         -Elementary school children need to have their imaginations stimulated through storytelling and artistic work. A life rich in inner imaging holds the key to learning during these years. This is the phase of emotional development.

          -School must be a safety place for students.

          -School must lead the development of linguistic and communication competence.

          -School must insure pupils’ access to the modern technology.

For this purposes, our school has partenerships with County Center for Educational Resources (CJRAE), Didactic Corp House (CCD), Al. I. Cuza University, C. Păunescu  Special Needs School, Tatarasi Athenaeum and other institutions from our community.

Teachers’ possibilities to participate to different courses and projets are also a priority